First off, thanks for stopping by our site. Our goal is to provide you with the best quality parts at the lowest price. In addition, we want it to be easy for you to find the part you need. We believe that an easy to navigate site with essential information provides for a more enjoyable user experience. However, we are always open to suggestions. You may email us or fill out our feedback form.
Here are some of the things you may wish to know before ordering from us:
For a typical order we will need the usual information, name, address, payment info, etc. For credit card orders we also require the name and address of the card holder for verification purposes. Standard shipping charges are for UPS ground. At this time we do not have a flat shipping fee. Shipping cost is calculated on a per order basis. Ordering transactions take place through a secured server (SSL). The data will be used for our ordering process only. We will not distribute or use your information in any non-authorized way. From time to time we may email you with product/site updates. If you wish to be removed from that list, please let us know. To order from JeepDoc you will need a browser with cookies enabled. Sorry, but that’s the way our system works. Javascript is not neccesary but it will make for a more enjoyable site experience.
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And about the site in general:
This site is best viewed in 800X600 resolution with Netscape or Microsoft browser 4.0 or above. There’s no cutting edge client side technology here, just a heck of alotta Jeep parts at unbelievably low prices.
The customer information and photos on this site (namely the Customer Appreciation Page) were supplied by the owners with their permission. Unless requested otherwise, names are withheld from feedback comments.
Customer Feedback information, like order information, will be used for our own use. We have not or will not distribute your information for any non-authorized use.
As much as we try, errors might creep into the system. We apologize for any inconvenience/errors and will try to correct the situation as quickly and as fairly as possible.
In Conclusion . . .
If you have questions about Jeep related matters, email John & Cindi Krage at [email protected].
With questions or comments about this web site, email the JeepDoc WebMaster.
Prices and availability subject to change, please call 1-731-926-1004 for latest information or email Krage MotorSports.
Jeep© CJ© and other names used on this site are registered trademarks of the Chrysler Corporation or their respective companies.
Copyright © 2000 Krage Motorsports